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Important place among the actions, provided by the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change (UNFCCC) are directed on involving the wide social classes in the activity connected with climatic problems, education, professional training and public awareness on problems of climate change and its consequences (UNFССС, Article 6 ). Roshydromet in the sphere of its responsibility provides fulfillment of the Russian Federation obligations to UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol. That’s why in Roshydromet much attention is paid to expansion informing on the questions connected with climate change.

For the purpose of expansion informing a wide range of experts and the public, both in Russia and in foreign countries, concerning climate and its change, Roshydromet has been releasing a monthly newsletter "Climate Change" since April, 2009.
The newsletter is uploaded to the Roshydromet website and distributed via email to more than 460 subscribers among which employees of scientific research institutes and Roshydromet educational institutions, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Higher school, the non-governmental organizations, scientific publishing houses, mass media, diplomatic missions of foreign countries, and also Russian experts working abroad. Except Russia the newsletter is distributed to subscribers in Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Sweden, Germany, Finland, the USA, Japan, Austria, Mongolia and Israel. During newsletter preparation much attention is paid to researches and climate monitoring carried out by the research and territorial organizations of Roshydromet.
The information on new publications, various Russian and international conferences, seminars, schools of young scientists is promptly renewed. The Newsletter is focused on a wide range of readers, not just on experts in the field of climate and its changes.

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Рейтинг@Mail.ru Яндекс.Метрика