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"The National Report of the Russian Federation on the Inventory of the Anthropogenic Emissions and Sinks of Greenhouse Gases Not Controlled by the Montreal Protocol for the years 1990-2010” PDF Print E-mail

(Prepared by Scientific Development and Climate Programs Unit, Roshydromet,with the participation of the Deputy Director of the Institute of Global Climate and Ecology of Roshydromet and RAS, an expert of the Russian delegation at the talks on preventing climate change, A.I. Nahutin)


In March 2012 another annual "National Inventory Report” for the years 1990-2010 was completed. The "National Inventory Report" was prepared by Roshydromet (a national authority in the assessment of anthropogenic greenhouse gases emissions and sinks), with the participation of relevant federal executive authorities and organizations. The methodological centre for preparing the "National Inventory Report" is the Institute of Global Climate and Ecology of Roshydromet and RAS (IGCE). The report, together with the electronic inventory data tables and the data tables of the national registry of carbon units, is available on the site of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change:


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