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Archive of newsletters "Climate Change" over 2009-2012 PDF Print E-mail

#41 April 2013 1. A report on climate features on the territory of the Russian Federation in 2012 2. VII all-Russian hydrological Congress 3. Interview with mister Tsirulnikov head of Meteorological Data Assimilation Department, Ph.D about current state of affairs, new results and prospects of new 3-dimensional variational data assimilation system developed at the HydroMetCentre of Russia.  Download [скачано/download :3299 ]

#40 February-March 2013 1. 23 March 2012 - World Meteorological Day “Watching the weather to protect life and property Celebrating 50 years of World Weather Watch” Message by M. Jarraud, Secretary-General of WMO. 2. «Climatic aspects of black carbon»– interview with Prof. Igor Karol, Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory of Roshydromet, Saint Petersburg. 3. Roshydromet report on the peculiarities of climate in the Russian Federation for 2012. 4. Scientific conference with international participation "The application of space-monitoring technologies for the Arctic regions’ development" (Аrkhangelsk, 17-19 September 2013) Download [скачано/download :2391 ]

#39 January 2013 1. - "Regional characteristics of climate change in Russia" - interview with doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, head of Siberian Regional Research Hydrometeorological Institute of Roshydromet Vladimir N. Krupchatnikov. 2. - "Satellite methods of hydrometeorological provision of economic sectors and population with information about condition and tendencies of changes of environment" - interview with doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, chief scientist of Scientific Research Center of Space Hydrometeorology "Planeta" of Roshydromet Alexander B. Uspensky. 3. - New Report of European Environment Agency “Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe”. Download [скачано/download :2406 ]

#38 November-December 2012 1. Climate change’s influence on water resources. Interview with Vladimir Yuryevich Georgievsky, head of State Hydrological Institute of Roshydromet, doctor of geographical sciences. 2. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) 3. World Meteorological Organization’s provisional annual statement on the state of the global climate Download [скачано/download :2354 ]

#37 October 2012 1. International conference on regional problems of hydrometeorology and environment monitoring organized by Roshydromet was held in Kazan, Russia on October 2-4, 2012. 2. World Meteorological Congress approves Climate Services Implementation Plan. Download [скачано/download :2500 ]

#36 September 2012 1. Monograph "Methods for Assessing Climate Change Impacts on Physical and Biological Systems" – interview with Director of the Institute of Global Climate and Ecology of Roshydromet and Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Sergey Semenov is the author team leader and scientific editor of the book. 2. Head of Department of synoptic meteorology of Hydrometeorological Research Institute of Ukraine, Ph.D. in Geography Vera Balabukh told about dangerous hydrometeorological events in Ukraine. Download [скачано/download :2318 ]

#35 June 2012 1. Russian National Greenhouse Gas Inventory, National Inventory Report submitted in 2012. Comment of Deputy Director of Institute of Global Climate and Ecology of Roshydromet and of Russian Academy of Science, expert of Russian delegation on international negotiations on prevention climate change, Dr. Alexander Nakhutin, on Russian proposals on GHG emissions reduction related to new international climatic agreement. 2. Climate Change on territory of Commonwealth of Independent States in 21century – new assessments of North Eurasian Climate Center. Download [скачано/download :2411 ]

#34 May 2012 1. "Review of the status and environmental pollution of Russian Federation for 2011" – the interview with the Head of the Department of Pollution of the Institute of Global Climate and Ecology of Roshydromet and Russian Academy of Science Prof. Galina M.Chernogaeva 2. Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) endorsed by World Meteorological Congress The main goal of the GFCS is to ‘enable better management of the risks of climate variability and change and adaptation to climate change, through the development and incorporation of science-based climate information and prediction into planning, policy and practice on the global, regional and national scale’. (World Climate Conference-3) Download [скачано/download :2448 ]

#33 April 2012 1. Report on the peculiarities of climate in the Russian Federation for 2010 (Roshydromet). 2. WMO annual statement confirms 2011 as 11th warmest on record. 3. "GOSAT Project for GHG monitoring” - interview with Dr.Alexander Lukyanov – Head of Laboratory of Numerical modeling of Upper Atmosphere Department of Central Aerological Observatory. Download [скачано/download :2512 ]

#32 March 2012 1. World Meteorological Day “Powering our future with weather, climate and water” Message by Michel Jarraud, Secretary-General of WMO. 2. Roshydromet report on specific features of climate in the Russian Federation in 2011. 3. «Combustion Aerosols and Climate» - an interview with the Senior Research Fellow of the Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of Lomonosov Moscow State University Dr. O.B.Popovicheva. The interview is devoted to combustion aerosol responsible for well absorption of solar radiation and climate impacts. 4. Meteorological observatory, named after V.A.Mihelsohn. It is famous for the longest continuous records of meteorological parameters in Moscow - since 1865. Download [скачано/download :2324 ]

#31 February 2012 1. “Climate Change Research” – interview with Prof. G.V. Gruza, Institute of Global Climate and Ecology of Roshydromet and Russian Academy of Science 2. “Climate Change and Persistent Organic Pollutants” – interview with Olga Speranskaya («Eco-Accord» Center for Environment and Sustainable Development) 3. French First national adaptation plan of action. Download [скачано/download :2408 ]

#30 January 2012 Greenhouse Gas Bulletin (World Meteorological Organization) - interview with Dr. Oksana Tarasova - Scientific Officer of the Atmospheric Environment Research Division of WMO, president of Atmospheric Sciences Division of EGU. Download [скачано/download :2497 ]

#29 November-December 2011 1)International scientific conference "Problems of adaptation to climate change" (PACC-2011) was held in Moscow 7-9 November 2011. 2)The 17th Conference of the Parties (COP17) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the 7th Session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties (CMP7) to the Kyoto Protocol was held in Durban (South Africa) from 28 November to 9 December 2011. Download [скачано/download :2280 ]

#28 September-October 2011 1. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)- Interview with the Chairman of the IPCC Dr. Pachauri. 2. Interview with the Science Editor and Executive Secretary of the Roshydromet monthly scientific magazine " Meteorology and Hydrology " Dr. Tamara V. Leshkevich. Download [скачано/download :2622 ]

#27 August 2011 1. New publication «Strategies of Adaptation to climate change in the technical sphere for Russia». Authors: Е.М. Akentyeva, N.V. Kobysheva (Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory, Roshydromet). 2. Investigation of climate change in the Central Siberian region. Download [скачано/download :2304 ]

#26 July 2011 1. New “Russian Federation's GHG Inventory Report” (2011). 2. Preparation of the “Russian Federation's GHG Inventory Report” - interview with Dr. A. Nakhutin – Deputy Director of the Institute of Global Climate and Ecology of Roshydromet and Russian Academy of Science and the report coordinator. Download [скачано/download :2207 ]

#25 June 2011 1. “The beginning of the implementation of Joint Implementation (JI) projects in Russia" – interview with O.Pluzhnikov, the Deputy Director of Department of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia. 2. Climate research at the Russian Hydrometeorological Observatory Barentsburg, archipelago Svalbard. 3. Road Map of the European Union for moving to a competitive low-carbon economy in 2050. Download [скачано/download :2233 ]

#24 April-May 2011 1. The Russian Federation will hold an international scientific conference “Problems of Adaptation to Climate Change” (PACC-2011, 7-9 November 2011, Moscow). 2. “Climate Change Impacts on Water Resourses” - interview with Prof. A.M.Nikanorov - Director of the Roshydromet State Hydrochemial Institute ( Download [скачано/download :2319 ]


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